Learn the Possible Causes and Fixing Solutions for Epson Error 0X97
If you are facing the Epson error code 0x97 then it is possible that you have been using your Epson printer for quite a long time without giving it proper maintenance and cleaning. It is also possible that the drivers or printer software are not updated from a long time. Well, whatever might be the reason the real issue is you are not able to use your printer due to troubling Epson printer error code 0x97.
We will help you understand about the other cause probably causing this error. And, further, we will discuss about the instant solution we can use to fix this Epson error.
Let’s start with responsible causes:
Plausible Causes Responsible For Epson Error Code 0x97
Internal Error
Any internal problem which had taken place in your printer is might be the biggest possible reason for causing Epson error 0x97 in your printer. A Motherboard failure in your printer is an example of internal error.
Paper Jamming
Another reason for causing trouble in your Epson printer is jamming of paper. It happens when bits of paper are stuck inside the printer and starts causing trouble.
Printhead Issues
When there is a build of dust & dirt particles along with some foreign particles on the printhead, it starts causing problem. It’s better to keep it clean from time to time.
Hardware Malfunctioning
When there is something wrong with the hardware of the machine it needs physical fixing. Hardware problems when not fixed with time they can cause you more trouble than the Epson Printer error code 0x97.
Clogged nozzles
Clogged nozzles won’t let you print anything on papers and thus, you must clean them up and remove the dried ink.
Now, we will move forward and learn about the steps about fixing this Epson error here.
Several solutions to fix Epson error 0x97
Fix 1: Unplug and Plug-in your Epson printer
To perform this step you just have to simply take out the cords and reconnect them after some time. By printing a test document you can confirm whether the error is gone or not.
Fix 2: Clean Clogged Nozzles
Switch off your system and printer completely then use a clean paper towel and dip it a bit in any print head clearing solution. Use it to clean the dust and dirt on the nozzles of ink cartridges carefully.
Fix 3: Try Microsoft’s Printer Troubleshooter
To run a troubleshooting tool for your printer you have to download the Microsoft troubleshooter from it official website with correct details of your Epson model. Once it is downloaded you have to install it. After it is installed, you have to run it. The Microsoft troubleshooter will scan the system for finding errors and if found any, it will resolve it quickly.
If it is not able to resolve it, there is nothing to panic because you can contact us anytime and we will provide you our assistance instantly.
Wrapping Up
We are glad that you have successfully understands the reasons that causes the issue in your Epson printer by displaying Epson error 0x97. In case, you need professional help for replacing hardware parts, updating your system, or anything to keep your printer in great shape, you can contact us!